Nursing and Midwifery Health Program Victoria Podcasts
Nursing and Midwifery Health Program Victoria (NMHPV). We’re pleased to connect with you and share relevant and practical information to assist in enhancing your health and wellbeing.
Nursing and Midwifery Health Program Victoria Podcasts
Podcast Series 1: Keys to a nurse or midwife thriving in recovery from their alcohol or other drug addiction
In this first podcast, Mark Aitken talks to Heather Pickard, a registered nurse and Chair of the NMHPV Board, who provides her personal story of a nurse in recovery from addiction.
Twenty-six years into recovery, Heather shares her addiction journey, thoughts on the risks for nurses and midwives in relation to developing addiction, the reasons people may not seek support, the importance of self-care and how to access support. She discusses the importance of maintaining a healthy work and life balance and self-reflection.
Heather tells us that nurses and midwives are often loaded with shame and stigma when experiencing addiction and this may be an impediment to accessing support. However, key to Heather’s recovery, was another nurse who recognised her problem and provided support and care. It is the nursing and midwifery community that can be our greatest support.
Throughout this podcast, Heather provides hope that support and recovery is possible, and she reminds us that to live our best life we need to be ‘humans being’ not just ‘humans doing’!